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East Bank Trailraces

The tailraces on the east bank are similar to those on the west, but not as confusing. A catwalk about 5' above the water level in each tunnel connects six different, parallel tunnels leading back from the bluff.

Following one tunnel towards the river, one finds an abundance of fish with scary claws that are almost bigger than their bodies. Beyond the fish, at the end of the tunnel, is a grate blocking access to the hydro plant above. Maybe the plant owners planted the fish in the tunnel to scare away unwanted explorers.

If one wades along a submerged ledge along the edge of another tunnel, and balances across some rotting boards, you will find a series of rooms filled with abandoned equipment at the end of the tunnel. A staircase leads up from these rooms into the still in-use hydro plant, but a gate at the top of the stairs is locked. However, a hidden ladder behind a large tank leads up even further than the stairs. Explorers who have climbed the corroded, dangerous ladder have explored abandoned sublevels of the plant, and exited through the plant itself.

The largest tailrace on the east bank does not connect to the others. But it does connect to a couple features that the other tailraces don't have. At the back of the large, double-arch tunnel is a square door leading to a hot, misty room. The source of the heat is a huge waterfall entering and exiting the room through a vertical shaft larger than any of the other shafts in the tailraces. Presumably this powers the only remaining used grain mill in Tunnel City - the Z Mill.

-Tunnelcity, 2004
